Monday, November 7, 2011

Visual Culture and Identity

At this point I have narrowed down my research question to How does visual cultural influence student's perceptions of identity? I am interested in the role visual culture plays in the formation of how students perceive themselves. Ultimately I'd love to observe, or implement, a course where students deconstruct imagery and use critical thinking skills to uncover hidden messages, ideologies, agendas, etc. Currently my concern lies with the observational process. I am not a teacher, so therefore I have no classroom to observe. I'm hoping it's not terribly difficult to find someone teaching visual culture in my area.

Baker-Sperry, L. & Grauerholz, L. (2003). The pervasiveness and persistence to the feminine beauty ideal in children’s fairy tales. Gender & Society, 15(5), 711-726.

Chung, S.K. (2005). Media/visual literacy art education:Cigarette ad deconstruction. Art Education 58(3), 19-24.

Chung, S.K. (2007). Media/visual literacy art education: Sexism in hip-hop music videos. Art Education 60(3), 33-38.

Chung, S.K. and Kirby, M. S. (2009). Media literacy art education: Logos, culture jamming and activism. Art Education 62(1), 34-39.

Currie, D. (1997). Decoding femininity: Advertisements and their teenage readers. Gender & Society, 11, 453-77.

Duncum, P. (2010). Seven principles for visual culture education. Art Education, 63(1), 6-10.

Garber, E. (1992). Feminism, aesthetics and art education. Studies in Art Education, 33(4), 210-225.

Keifer-Boyd, K., Ambury, P. and Knight W. B. (2003). Three approaches to teaching visual culture in k-12 school contexts. Art Education 56(2), 44-51.

Klein, S. (1993). Breaking the mold with humor: Images of women in the visual media. Art Education, 46(5), 60-65.


  1. HI, Patricia--Sounds good! Were you thinking of trying to observe a high school or a college? Could you interview non-art groups--like maybe a women's support group or book club or something? Were you thinking of trying out different age groups? I can't remember the article, but does anyone else remember the one where kindergartners were "deconstructing" the cereal boxes" or something? I guess, in research terms, you are considering what is (or are) your focus group(s)?

    What if you joined a group like Art Education 2.0 and sent out a survey? Although they say surveys without backup interviews are not as reliable.

  2. Janice that's a great idea about Art Education 2.0. Patty I bet you might be able to arrange skype interviews for your theme.

  3. Patty - I remember what you told me about how much you enjoyed those articles I sent. A sure sign you are on to something important and meaningful to you.

    If you research question is about students' identity, I believe you want access to students, not just teachers. Otherwise you're really studying teacher perceptions of student identity...

  4. Leslie, You are correct; I do want access to students. However I am finding it difficult to locate a school that has visual culture as a component to its art education curriculum. I will continue to search and hopefully find something before next week.


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