Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Research Methods

Blog Reflections

Most likely for my research I plan on using Qualitative research as a means for collecting my data. I plan with my research to collect date using field notes, participant/ non-participant observations, journals, surveys, structured interviews, and analysis of drawings/paintings. All these I feel will help my study to be well rounded and backed up with enough data. The reason I will be using these forms of collecting data is because they all are helpful when trying to observe emotions from the outside and in. With observations, I can observe how a student is feeling or how they are reacting to the activity. With the interviews, journals, and surveys I can get a look at their own perspective and feelings on how they feel about the activities.

Stokrocki, M. (1997). Qualitative forms of research methods. In S.D. La Pierre, & E.Zimmerman (Eds.). Research methods and methodologies for art education (pp. 33-56). Reston, VA: NAEA.


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    I was just wondering if your students will know that you are observing them for a research project and how that may affect their actions/responses. Will they want to say/do what they think you'd want them to? I'm also wondering if quantitative data might also be useful in your analysis to compare and contrast say male vs. female response or younger vs. older students. Just thinking...

  2. Jennifer,
    The next logical step for you will be to think about what types of information each of these data collection activities will likely yield you. For instance, what do you expect to learn in an observation that you might not get in an interview and vice versa?


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