Wednesday, November 2, 2011

new thoughts

I have tapped into my school sources and have sent emails off to Gordon Sherman, a researcher that is now a head of The Grange School for dyslexic children, Bev Wolf, former head of my school, Hamlin Robinson School and author of numerous articles and a new book. I also have a couple other contacts to get ahold of in search of narrowing down my ideas. I meet with Bev Wolf tomorrow to swap ideas. I'm excited. I will post after the meeting with brainstorming ideas.


  1. Allison -
    Glad to hear you are making use of this professional network. I hope you get some good leads out of your conversation.

  2. Please label your posts with both your name and the assignment (if you are writing in response to a specific assignment) to assist in reading and sorting posts. Click on "Leslie" if you want to read a post about how to label.


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