Monday, November 28, 2011


Since being in this class and reading the articles, studies, and essays we have been assigned, I have become more clear in my understanding of research and what I plan to do for my capstone project. So far, I have found that what would work best for me is the qualitative research method because I will be studying human behavior using a various types of collection methods such as observation, artworks, interviews, and journaling. The reading I found that helped me most in deciding this wa Qualitative forms of research methods (Stokrocki, 1997). All these data collection methods will be beneficial for my study where I will be trying to find if expressive art activities are beneficial for helping students relieve stress. I also found that I will most likely be doing action research as part of the larger art education community working to improve our own practices as educators for the good of our students. I have found from Teachers-as-researchers" or action research: What is it, and what good is it for art education? (May, 1993), that action research is the best way for me to go for my capstone project. I feel my capstone project will benefit art education as a whole, my individual practice, and my students overall mental well-being.

May, W. (1993). “Teachers-as-researchers" or action research: What is it, and what good is it for art education? Studies in Art Education, 34(2), 114-126.

Stokrocki, M. (1997). Qualitative forms of research methods. In S. D. La Pierre, & E. Zimmerman (Eds.). Research methods and methodologies for art education (pp. 33-56). Reston, VA: NAEA.

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