Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Huge grin

Hi all,

Your posts are fantastic evidence that your research ideas are growing/shrinking in very productive ways. So much more focused and do-able than what I was hearing/reading last week. Congrats to all of you for the hard work. I will work tonight and tomorrow on giving you feedback here on your posts and grading your research reflections.

Here is a very short video that is worth a few minutes of distraction. Think about it as a reward for all the hard work you're doing...



  1. OMG! This is LOL funny! I especially loved the dog "printmaker"! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I was just thinking about this today after reading about Marcia's research interest, kids communicating about art. Creature Comforts is what popped into my head! Thanks for posting this!

  3. You made my day!
    Although, I think I might just be the monkey in the zoo!


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