Monday, November 7, 2011

Art in Libraries

Well, my research is going to focus on art programs offered in library settings. There's not much written on the subject. So most of my references will be geared towards community-based art education as well as library service articles.

Here's a video I found about what the San Diego Library does as an after school program.

Also, I found one article about two artists who used to volunteer in an elementary school and teach art classes, but the school decided to spend that time getting ready for testing. They turned to the public library to fill the gap.

This last article is of the Museum of Florida Art who offer art classes in conjunction with their exhibit through libraries in Volusia County (near Daytona).

These arethe kinds of things I want to see and discover and research about. Who are giving the classes? What are their art background? How is the participation?


  1. Hi Marie,
    I can feel your pain! There is not much research available on my topic either. Since the basis of mine is community arts, maybe you could use some of mine. I loved the after school program in San Diego that you posted! I found this research article entitled "How the arts can enhance after school programs" It was written by Susan Otterbourg. The abstract sounded like something you might could use. I will post the URL below and you can try to copy & paste it into your address window and see if it works!
    talk soon...

  2. Contact Pam Coffman at the Museum of Florida Art. She is the head of the education curriculum. I am sure she would do an interview. Art is her passion.

  3. Marie -
    I like the organic way you are finding sources to help inform your study.

  4. Thanks Rhonda for the article! Thanks Kim for the contact! Leslie, I try to find things that are interesting in different formats other than articles, sometimes it's good, some times it's not.


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