Sunday, December 11, 2011

Personal Reflection 7

The Rhizomatic Research Journey of Methods in Art Education

The research methods class has been like a rhizomatic walking derive with many divergent perspectives of research methods to explore for me. My walking turned into a skip and progressed into a run as I started collecting data and analyzing each method to find the convergent perspective that will fit my research proposal. I feel that the experience was a bit rushed, not really understanding that I should’ve come into this class with my reach question in hand. After learning about the research proposal, I was focused on the concept of the proposal, which deterred time away from the study of methods. I believe my understanding of the methods would be stronger if more time was spent to dig deeper into each method and I came into the class with my research question for my capstone project. Visually in my journal the progression of each lesson is captured, the beginning lessons were neatly captured in writing and diagramed; then time chaos set in and my journaling became sporadic in design.

I found myself searching for meanings throughout the course. My understandings were visually captured in the mixed media artwork on the beginning page of Sakai. I was captured by the arrows because they reminded me of digital videos derives that I created. My interpretation was directional into different research with methods and experiences that continually weave and grow throughout spiraling upward. The roots weave the depths as we dig deeper. The layers of research and questions are directional expressionist strokes that are cut and reworked into wings that represent the continual progressive flight of the research project.

Cognitive: I had no idea of the various research methods. I feel that now when I research paper I will understand the concept of the method that the author is illustrating in his research and why they chose that method for their study. Understand the need for clarity in my writing and that research projects need to be doable and microscopic. Also the research topic should be relevant and unbiased when analyzed. I understand validity of research depends on the data and triangulation method reigns high for validation. My interpretations of students could possibly cause invalidity and so I must define the research approaches with key junctures for constructing validity. I understand that quantitative precede qualitative research for validity with it's computational data.

Skills: New skills learned is becoming a better writer and making my thoughts flow. Writing is not one my strengths. I have to write clearer for my plans when developing collecting data. My writing is always to the point and short for presentations. Although I struggle with lengthy writings, I do enjoy research for finding meanings and I usually find myself getting too wrapped up in diving really deep. I learned the correct format for research thesis and writing references connected to bibliography. I have more skill in choosing the right methods and strategies for gathering and analyzing data.

Affective: I am committed to making art education beneficial for reaching the students through art. I believe by always focusing first on that reach in students that other diverse perspectives of art education will connect and benefit. I now understand that my writing reflections from lesson plans are considered part of an action research for implementing a better plan. I really connected to the a/r/tography reading as they brought to my attention the transpositions of artist, researcher and educator and the flexibilities within the research method. I was excited and related to the quote posted by Leslie; "We live in an age where the artist is forgotten. He is a researcher. I see myself that way." - David Hockney

Judgment/Evaluation: I believe you can apply principles when evaluating research. The principles would direct the correct focus of methods tor formatting a research proposal. They also would direct the researcher who is looking for a particular perspective that could be used as a reference in their research proposal. If I took this class again, I would come in with my research question and references in hand and engage my focus on the methods.

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