Monday, October 31, 2011

Patty's Personal Research Map

I feel very confused and overwhelmed by this process and although I have a number of ideas for research I have not been able to narrow it down to a specific project or question. Therefore, I feel as though I am falling behind because without actually having a project concept I do not know how to go about researching for the answers to my questions. My Map reflects my confusion. It is the basic areas of concern in relation to the research project, but there are no defined areas. I hope that I can resolve this within the week as the anxiety is incredible.


  1. Dear Patty--

    I feel your anxiety! However, maybe you are putting the cart before the horse. All these issues have me confused, too, qualitative and ethics and answerable and all that--but I would say don't worry about it yet. Find something you are genuinely interested in and then think about the formatting of the question. As you have done through the first year of the program, did one particular part of it interest you more than others? What is your particular teaching and professional situation? You might start there.

  2. Patty,
    You sound like I did until about a month ago. Every time we took a new course in this program, I had a great new idea of what I was interested in pursuing. Craig Roland had a great suggestion for me and said,"You are going to have to live and breath this subject (thesis idea) for a while, so you might as well choose something that REALLY interests you."
    You have a lot of interests, like I did, so I began narrowing my interests to things that would benefit me the most in my current job. Ask yourself, "If I could change anything about my current situation (career, artistically, educationally, etc.) what would it be?" and "How could I do that?" Then research that. I hope that helps. It helped me as well as did hearing my own thoughts come out of someone else's mouth. That was my real "AH HA" moment.

  3. Don't worry Patty! I feel the same! we have a very short period of time to work with given this is an 8 week class... You have some very good questions and your map looks very orderly and balanced, perhaps belying your true feelings!

  4. Hi Patty,
    I think you seemed more confident after our talk last night. Look forward to reading your future posts.


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